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Employees event, B2I
Employees engagement and retention are at the top of each corporate priority list. Every company wants to attract and to keep the best talents. And employees events are one of the tool - how to make the work ambience comfortable and attractive for all.
For raising good work, for offering recognition, for work anniversaries or performance achievements celebrations, for employees health and wellness, for having fun together, ...
We will help you to improve workplace engagement, we will find the theme your team can be proud of and we will transform into a great corporate B2I event your employees will love you for.

BA Awards day, 2018 Meeting for DPL contractors, L'Oréal

Nespresso Experience at Parizska street, Prague, 2018, DPL L'Oréal

Evening activities, Employee Meeting in Jasna 2018, DPP L'Oréal

BA Awards day, 2018 Meeting for DPL contractors, L'Oréal
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