AVON Summer Conference
Avon Sales Reps meet every year on September to find out how the results are and what needs to be focused on before final and the most important season of the year. They need to be motivated, to feel pampered and cared about and they need to come together to put everything that is in themselves to bring the best results.
#ideamaking #concept #graphicdesign #spatialdesign #event #eventproduction
There is new launch of perfume Maxima and Maxime. It is connected to Dara Rolins - main face of the Avon campaigns. Also the loved one by the ladies. We decided to work with Maximum and Maximize everything possible. Also we took other launches and connected it by the main theme - "Rozpal to (v sobe) na Maximum". The conference started with opening video - dark black screen representing nothing, little spark and flame comming from it where showing how only little spark may burst the flame. Symbolizing, that everything starts from 0, nothing. But each of the ladies in the room has this little spark in themselves, that needs to be found, taken care of and used to potential maximum. The flow of the show was enriched by three shows. Maxima perfume launch was transferred to ladies by the symbol of two gladiators fighting for the favor of goddess - Dara. The other show presenting new launch of Max Lip Powder was the energetic performance of live drummers, acrobatic dance, led screen with 3D show tailor made for this event. Avon was also coming with the new "green" range of products Distillery, that we presented by the special corner in the hall made out of natural materials but also with on screen video representing gentle way of caring of ourselves. Based on elements from mindfulness combined with the calmness of the pictures from nature, all of the attendees were invited to sit comfortably and let themselves recharge and get the energy for the maximum possible outcome by the end of the year. Other surprised were brought to the show- but you know how is it with surprises (you don't talk about it). The conference was closed by the closing video - amplifying opening show. The main messgae - as soon as you find your spark, take it, get together with everywhere around you and bring it on, because all of you together can be the best team by the end of the year and the result of the Czechs or Slovaks can beat the rest of the world.